Mystery Blogger Award Tag
Hello Everyone! Recently Kate from Life In Kateish nominated me to do some tags on my blog.

The Rules:
- Put the award logo/image on your blog
- List the rules
- Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
- Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well
- Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
- You have to nominate 10-20 people
- Notify each of your nominees by commenting on their blog
- Ask nominees any five questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
- Share your link to your best post(s).
I was nominated by Kate From LifeInKateish. Thank you so much Kate! I've never done a tag post before, so thank you for nominating me! here is her blog:
The award tag post was created by Okoto Enigma . She wanted to help bring smaller bloggers together and help their blogs get recognized.
3 things about me:
1. I started blogging because I love to write and because of Zoella's book Girl Online.
2. My Favorite food Is Mac and Cheese.
3. My favorite color is teal or blue.
My Best post would have to be my Interview with author Kendare Blake. Here's the link:
Answer's to Kate's Questions:
1. The country I mostly want to visit is the United Kingdom, because I hear it's so beautiful there and some of their history sounds so interesting to learn about.
2. My perfect breakfast would be biscuits and gravy with a hashbrown. I don't know why but that's my favorite breakfast.
3. So sometimes I'd rather read a book than hang out with any of my friends when they invite me to places. That's my guilty pleasure.
4. When ever i'm in band and you hear a clarinet squeak, the sound is so bad sounding. I hate when the instruments squeak. That's my pet peeve.
5. My favorite joke would have to be: don't B flat because i'm A natural. As you can tell i'm a total band geek.
Now here are my questions you answer if you're tagged.
Here they are:
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What's a strange but true fact about you?
3. Favorite Color?
4. Favorite food?
5. (The funny question) What's the funniest animal sound you can make?
I nominate these people to do this tag:
1. Georgia
2. Severina
3. Jade and Lydia
4. Kate
That is all for my nominations.
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