Interview with LifeinKateish
Hi Everyone, I'm so excited to blog today! For today's blog I interviewed Kate from LifeinKateish. Here's the interview:
Kate from LifeInKateish

What was your main reason for starting a blog?
I don't really know, it's just been something I've always wanted to do. I love creative writing so I think it had something to do with that! This isn't the first blog I've had , but it's been my first successful blog that I've actually continued with. Originally it was going to be purely a book blog, but I really enjoy writing other non-book posts so now it's only occasionally bookish!
What's to come on your blog?
I'd love to collab with a brand at some point, but for now there will be better photos and design and hopefully some big giveaways!
Did you ever picture yourself where you are now?
I never pictured myself carrying on with blogging. The only downside I've found with that is that I'd much rather blog then do school work! For Example, right now I'm meant to be writing an essay on 'An Inspector Calls' but instead (surprise, surprise) I'm blogging! I never really thought about where I'd end up when I started blogging because I knew so little about it but I'm proud of how I'm doing!
How long will you blog for?
I can't picture blogging being a lifelong activity just purely because I can't see where it will fit into the life I've pictured for myself (I want to be a vet in case you're wondering) but I don't know how my life will turn out! I can see me blogging, if I have the time, until the end of school (2 1/2 years) and maybe until the end of university which is another 6 years but not really any further... We'll take it as it comes!
What are your main goals?
My main goals are to learn to take photos, inspire someone, write a personal post or 2 and to reach 1000 followers on my blog (only 890 to go!)
What are your favorite thing(s)?
I have so many favourite things. I love chocolate and just food in general but also animals and travelling. I do rowing which I love on the whole although it does get tough!
What is your favorite thing to blog about?
This is such a hard question! I think lifestyle is my favourite topic as a whole but specific posts...?? I think the more unusual posts, such as the sibling tag I did a few weeks ago. I love writing posts about things I care about and I don't really consider my blog to have a niche as I just blog about what I want to!
Whats your dream job?
My dream job is to be a vet (animal doctor for anyone who doesn't know) but particularly in farm animals. I live on a farm and it's something I have always wanted to be! You need very good grades to be one though and the university course is one of the longest courses you can go on!
Any plans of travel blogging?
As I mentioned above, I love travelling so travel blogging is something I would definitely be interested in. I was lucky to visit so many places last year all over the world and I'm visiting more this year. Travelling is just something that really interests me due to the different histories and cultures of all the different places and countries and I want to continue to travel for the rest of my life!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In 5 years, I will be approaching my 21st birthday. I see myself at uni, perhaps with completely different friends from the ones I have now and hopefully still rowing! I really want to go to one of the top universities in the UK and I know I'll have to put the work in. Hopefully in 5 years I'll feel satisfied with where I am. And maybe, I'll still be blogging!
What is your favorite thing to do?
My favourite thing to do is read a book (either in real life or on Wattpad), take a bath with a bathbomb, go on social media, blog or scroll through clothes I want online. Yes, my life is really THAT exciting!! haha
Any blogging advice for others?
Blogging advice to others is so difficult. I'd say: It takes time but just blog until you're happy. If you're happy with the content, photos, layout etc so will others and therefore people will be more interested than if you focused on churning out blog posts quickly. Also use social media not only to promote but also to interact with others both other bloggers and potential audience!
That is it for the end of the interview, I want to thank Kate for letting me interview her. Thank you Kate! I hope you check out her blog which will be linked below. Bye Everyone! Xoxo Cassidy
Kate's Blog:
Kate from LifeInKateish
What was your main reason for starting a blog?
I don't really know, it's just been something I've always wanted to do. I love creative writing so I think it had something to do with that! This isn't the first blog I've had , but it's been my first successful blog that I've actually continued with. Originally it was going to be purely a book blog, but I really enjoy writing other non-book posts so now it's only occasionally bookish!
What's to come on your blog?
I'd love to collab with a brand at some point, but for now there will be better photos and design and hopefully some big giveaways!
Did you ever picture yourself where you are now?
I never pictured myself carrying on with blogging. The only downside I've found with that is that I'd much rather blog then do school work! For Example, right now I'm meant to be writing an essay on 'An Inspector Calls' but instead (surprise, surprise) I'm blogging! I never really thought about where I'd end up when I started blogging because I knew so little about it but I'm proud of how I'm doing!
How long will you blog for?
I can't picture blogging being a lifelong activity just purely because I can't see where it will fit into the life I've pictured for myself (I want to be a vet in case you're wondering) but I don't know how my life will turn out! I can see me blogging, if I have the time, until the end of school (2 1/2 years) and maybe until the end of university which is another 6 years but not really any further... We'll take it as it comes!
What are your main goals?
My main goals are to learn to take photos, inspire someone, write a personal post or 2 and to reach 1000 followers on my blog (only 890 to go!)
What are your favorite thing(s)?
What is your favorite thing to blog about?
This is such a hard question! I think lifestyle is my favourite topic as a whole but specific posts...?? I think the more unusual posts, such as the sibling tag I did a few weeks ago. I love writing posts about things I care about and I don't really consider my blog to have a niche as I just blog about what I want to!
Whats your dream job?
My dream job is to be a vet (animal doctor for anyone who doesn't know) but particularly in farm animals. I live on a farm and it's something I have always wanted to be! You need very good grades to be one though and the university course is one of the longest courses you can go on!
Any plans of travel blogging?
As I mentioned above, I love travelling so travel blogging is something I would definitely be interested in. I was lucky to visit so many places last year all over the world and I'm visiting more this year. Travelling is just something that really interests me due to the different histories and cultures of all the different places and countries and I want to continue to travel for the rest of my life!
Where do you see yourself in five years?
In 5 years, I will be approaching my 21st birthday. I see myself at uni, perhaps with completely different friends from the ones I have now and hopefully still rowing! I really want to go to one of the top universities in the UK and I know I'll have to put the work in. Hopefully in 5 years I'll feel satisfied with where I am. And maybe, I'll still be blogging!
What is your favorite thing to do?
My favourite thing to do is read a book (either in real life or on Wattpad), take a bath with a bathbomb, go on social media, blog or scroll through clothes I want online. Yes, my life is really THAT exciting!! haha
Any blogging advice for others?
Blogging advice to others is so difficult. I'd say: It takes time but just blog until you're happy. If you're happy with the content, photos, layout etc so will others and therefore people will be more interested than if you focused on churning out blog posts quickly. Also use social media not only to promote but also to interact with others both other bloggers and potential audience!
That is it for the end of the interview, I want to thank Kate for letting me interview her. Thank you Kate! I hope you check out her blog which will be linked below. Bye Everyone! Xoxo Cassidy
Kate's Blog:
I loved doing this interview! Thank you so much for interviewing me xx