Guest post: Kate, from LifeasKateish

I'm Kate from 'Life as Kateish' ( and over the last few months I've had the pleasure of getting to know Cassidy. I agreed to write a guest post as soon as she asked me and here it is. I hope you enjoy!

Reluctant readers are the people I hoped to inspire when I first set up my blog. Now, it's gone a little off topic as my book posts are sporadic to say the least! But whether you or your friend is a reluctant reader, I just want to take you by the hand and show you how great reading is. It can open your mind and transfer you to a different world. I firmly believe that there's a perfect book for everyone, you just have to find it. So many people in my year at school claim to be 'non-readers' simply because they don't consider it 'cool' to like books. But if you press them, they can always tell you a book they love/have loved and admit that they love a good book, they just feel pressure to say otherwise. Reluctant readers can find that perfect book too, they just need a little push to get them in the right direction. As a keen reader, I've come up with some tips I think will give you the push you need to fall in love with reading.
  1. Give suggestions / Take recommendations. By learning what books others like, it can make sure they read something they'll enjoy especially if the person giving the recommendations has a similar taste as the reluctant reader. There are loads of book blogs out there to give you suggestions or your friends will do!
  2. Read the books that go with films you like. I don't think I've ever found a film that is better than the book it originated from (although do correct me if I'm wrong!) If you love a film, find the corresponding book as I'm sure you'll love the extra scenes and action the book contains. And at least you already know you'll love the basic story!
  3. Create a 'reading club'. For this reading club you need those who love books and those who have yet to find the perfect book. Basically, everyone in the club reads the same book and compares views on it. It helps reluctant readers find new books to read as well as encouraging them to carry on reading. Maybe you could even have a little challenge?
  4. Start with Wattpad books / audio books. Personally, I think not having the book in front of you is less daunting (as less expensive!) You can flick in and out of the story if you're not enjoying parts and it's easier to carry around with you. Of course, nothing beats the smell of a new book but having it all online is a route you could go down...
  5. Read autobiographies of people you like or books that involve a topic you're passionate about. If you know you're already interested in the topic, you're far more likely to like the book as a whole.
  6. Read some shorter/ easier stories. You don't have to start by reading a book the length of the 4th Harry Potter book of anything near that size. There are loads of shorter but still good stories out there, some aimed at reluctant readers, some just short stories. I'm going to share my 3 suggestions but if you want any more do come and find me on my blog and I have plenty more to give!
My 3 suggestions for books for reluctant readers are:
  • SMART by Kim Slater
  • The baby by Lisa Drakeford
  • The Cherub series by Robert Muchamore (These are slightly longer but if you're more of an action person...)
I hope this helps and please don't hesitate to come and find me on my blog.

Kate xxx


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