Guest post: Kate, from LifeasKateish
I'm Kate from 'Life as Kateish' ( www.lifeinkateish.wordpress. com ) and over the last few months I've had the pleasure of getting to know Cassidy. I agreed to write a guest post as soon as she asked me and here it is. I hope you enjoy! Reluctant readers are the people I hoped to inspire when I first set up my blog. Now, it's gone a little off topic as my book posts are sporadic to say the least! But whether you or your friend is a reluctant reader, I just want to take you by the hand and show you how great reading is. It can open your mind and transfer you to a different world. I firmly believe that there's a perfect book for everyone, you just have to find it. So many people in my year at school claim to be 'non-readers' simply because they don't consider it 'cool' to like books. But if you press them, they can always tell you a book they love/have loved and admit that they love a good book, they just feel pressure to say otherwise. Re...