Summer time!

Okay so its really hot outside, but good news is the air conditioner got fixed just in time I was melting! Anyway I just ate lunch, I had pasta with chicken. It was super yummy. Anyway I've been thinking of what to blog about for today and tomorrow. You guys got any ideas? I was thinking about this short story I have been wanting to write for some time now. It's about a girl and water, that's all i'm going to say, sorry no give a ways on my story. I'm ready this great book by Morgan Matson, the book is called: The Unexpected Everything. I'm about 300 and something pages in. I love the book, and it's based in the summer time which it is now, so it just fits me so well. Anyway I think I might do a book review on her other book Since You've Been gone. Sound good? Well yea I guess that's it for my daily blog, but keep a look out because I might post a book review later. Just maybe....... xoxo Cassidy


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