AC, long days, Swimming

So the air conditioner is broke, I'm not home to swim, and no idea what I'm going to do with the rest of the summer. I know the last blog was posted like 2 hours ago, but i'm so bored I figured I would blog about it again. I like blogging it lets me express my love and compassion for writing. I have no idea whose reading my crazy blog but who ever is reading these thank you for reading it, every time I tell people I posted a new one I check my blog overview out and have more views on my blog. In a way it makes me think of author Zoella's book, girl online. Penny post and keeps posting thinking no ones reading her blog, but truth is people do read it. Anyways I like to blog, I don't know why that is maybe it's my love of writing or that people are reading my blog. Anyway what is your plans for the summer time? Maybe i'll do a contest one day.... maybe...   xoxo Cassidy


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