
Spring is here!

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been very busy with testing. As you know spring began on March 21st, 2017. So I want to welcome spring finally! I can't wait for the warm weather! I absolutely love spring and it's not just cause my birthday is in spring but because of the warm weather and flowers. I get to show my hippie side. Yes most of the days I dress like a hippie with my flowery shirts and flower crowns, but I just love spring so much!   What is your favorite things about spring? Should I do a spring  clothing blog post? Have a wonderful day! Enjoy springs weather! Xoxo Cassidy

Guest post: Kate, from LifeasKateish

I'm Kate from 'Life as Kateish' ( www.lifeinkateish.wordpress. com ) and over the last few months I've had the pleasure of getting to know Cassidy. I agreed to write a guest post as soon as she asked me and here it is. I hope you enjoy! Reluctant readers are the people I hoped to inspire when I first set up my blog. Now, it's gone a little off topic as my book posts are sporadic to say the least! But whether you or your friend is a reluctant reader, I just want to take you by the hand and show you how great reading is. It can open your mind and transfer you to a different world. I firmly believe that there's a perfect book for everyone, you just have to find it. So many people in my year at school claim to be 'non-readers' simply because they don't consider it 'cool' to like books. But if you press them, they can always tell you a book they love/have loved and admit that they love a good book, they just feel pressure to say otherwise. Re...

Mystery Blogger Award Tag

Hello Everyone! Recently Kate from Life In Kateish nominated me to do some tags on my blog. The Rules: Put the award logo/image on your blog List the rules Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog Mention the creator of the award and provide a link to their blog as well Tell your readers 3 things about yourself You have to nominate 10-20 people Notify each of your nominees by commenting on their blog Ask nominees any five questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify) Share your link to your best post(s). I was nominated by Kate From LifeInKateish. Thank you so much Kate! I've never done a tag post before, so thank you for nominating me! here is her blog: The award tag post was created by   Okoto Enigma  . She wanted to help bring smaller bloggers together and help their blogs get recognized. 3 things about me: 1. I started blogging because I love to write a...

Interview with LifeinKateish

Hi Everyone, I'm so excited to blog today! For today's blog I interviewed Kate from LifeinKateish. Here's the interview: Kate from LifeInKateish What was your main reason for starting a blog? I don't really know, it's just been something I've always wanted to do. I love creative writing so I think it had something to do with that! This isn't the first blog I've had , but it's been my first successful blog that I've actually continued with. Originally it was going to be purely a book blog, but I really enjoy writing other non-book posts so now it's only occasionally bookish! What's to come on your blog? I'd love to collab with a brand at some point, but for now there will be better photos and design and hopefully some big giveaways! Did you ever picture yourself where you are now? I never pictured myself carrying on with blogging. The only downside I've found with that is that I'd much rather blog then do school...

Book Haul

Hi Everyone, for today's blog i'm going to do a book haul. I got these books for Christmas and maybe one or two books this month, i'm not sure. Here are the books I got. Girl Online by: Zoe Sugg This book is amazing! I totally recommend it! Girl Online On Tour by: Zoe Sugg This is the second book to the series, and I also recommend it, it was so amazing! The Siren By: Kiera Cass I haven't read it yet, but The Selection Series was amazing, so i'm sure it will be too. 99 Days By: Katie Cotugno I'm currently reading this, and so far it's great. The Summer I Turned Pretty By: Jenny Han I loved her books, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Ps. I Still Love you, so I'm sure it'll be great too. The Last Boy And Girl In The World, By: Siobhan Vivian I can't wait to read this. Cinder By: Marissa Meyer This series sounds so good! Scarlet By: Marissa Meyer The second book in the Lunar Chronicles Series. Cress By: Ma...