Interview with: Severina/


Hello! My name is Severina and I run a blog called Sweet Strawberries (

  1. Who or what inspired you to blog?

I first wanted to start blogging after seeing so many different blogs. I thought why not give it a go and see how it turns out.

  1. In the future what do you expect for your blog?

I’m not really sure. I don’t really know what direction my blog will go in as I blog purely for fun and it’s a hobby of mine. I’m hoping that even though I’ll have a job and be busy, I’ll still be able to blog and continue to share my thoughts and opinions.

  1. How long will you be doing blogs?

Again, I’m not really sure about this. I’m hoping to still be blogging in my years to come but there’ll come a time where I stop blogging (sadly!)

  1. What is your life goals? 
  • To be a primary school teacher- This is my dream job and something I’ve wanted to be ever since I was in Year 11. I’m currently at university studying primary education and in 3 years time I’ll hopefully be a qualified teacher.
  • Travel- Another big dream of mine is to go travelling and see the world. I have a list of places I would love to visit and these include: Italy, America, Japan and Bali

  1. Did you ever expect your blog to become what it is now?

If I’m honest no! Over the past few months I’ve been promoting my blog a lot more and it’s grown so much since then. One of the things I never expected to happen was to make the friends I have through blogging. They are all fantastic people and some of them I can even call my close friends (you know who you are!). A year ago I never in a million years thought I would be where I am today with my blog.

  1. If you had to pick one book that you could only read for the rest of your life, what would it be?

This is a really hard one as there are so many books I love and could happily re read (in case you didn’t know already, I’m a MASSIVE bookworm!). However if I had to choose one I would choose The Book Thief, as it’s so beautifully written.

  1. What changes do you think our world needs? 

Wow, deep question! Our world needs more compassion and peace. There is far too much negativity and destruction in the world and this needs to stop. I know this is such a cliché thing to say but we really do need world peace.

  1. What hopes do you have for the future?

My hopes link to my life goals. However I do also have a few hopes for the future:
  • To be completely and utterly happy- Whilst I’m a very positive person, I’ve spent far too long letting insignificant upset me, so I’m going to try hard to not let things get me down so easily
  • Achieve my life goals- If I achieve these then I’ll be happy and content with life

  1. If You can only give one piece of advice, what would it be?

No matter what, ALWAYS be yourself. If people don’t like you for who you are (which sadly some people do), then that’s not your fault and they’re not worth your time.

  1. What do you want to be when your done with your education? 

As I’ve mentioned before, a primary school teacher

  1. How old were you when you started your blog?


  1. Who is your inspiration?

I can’t really pinpoint one particular person. I’d say various bloggers were my inspiration to start my blog

  1. What are your expectations for a blog? 

For it to keep on growing and still being able to express my opinions and thoughts.

  1. What do you think is really important?

Another difficult question to answer! There are a lot of things I find really important, so I’ll list a few:

  • Being yourself and being happy with who you are- With having problems in my past this has taken me so long to finally accept (and I’m still a bit shaky). However I’m now much more confident with who I am and I’m proud of the person I’ve become
  • Gratitude- Always, always, always be grateful for everything in life. Sometimes we spend far too much time moaning about what we don’t have, rather than being thankful for what we do have in life
  • Kindness- Kindness is SUCH an important thing for me. One little act of kindness can make such a HUGE difference to someone’s life. Also, what people often forget is that kindness doesn’t cost anything at all. Remember, always be kind to everyone!

I would like to thank Cassidy for letting me be interviewed for her blog.


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