I'm back....

Today was a great day. I haven't been on it a while, I've been busy trying to keep videos weekly on youtube, but I have a little extra free time now that I'm back in school. I have free time because I can't go to my friends house or they can't come over or I can't go to see my family everyday. I'm actually glad I'm blogging there is quite a few topics I need to talk about. 1. Today is my dad's birthday, so Happy birthday Dad! I love you so much! 2. In July I won my first ever writing contest, that I have entered. I won two signed books and a signed postcard from an author. 3. One of the books I got is called the moonlight dreamers, I started reading it and I can already relate to a main character Amber.
She is a blogger just like I am, and I think it's cool that a book character relates to real life and is a blogger. 4. The real world, it can be a harmful place, I wish for the world peace and love one day, because crime rates have went up over years. In the show Girl Meets World , they did an episode called Girl Meets The Real World. In the episode Riley is asked to debate the evil side of the world, and for Riley she has never seen the world in an evil way others do, so when she finds this out, Riley becomes a different person and things happen. My point is that it doesn't matter what's going on in the world, it matters what's going on in your life in the community around you, so don't let the world change you, be the change you want to see in the world. This is my entry for the writing contest, and the theme of the contest was, what is your dream(s) for the world. So here is my entry:
       Our World Needs Dreams
                                By: Cassidy Siler, age:13
  I believe that this world has too much hate and it’s gone too far. Killings, wars, and attacks are all I hear of in the news anymore. Our world was never meant to be a place with such hatred, but sadly it has grown out of control. Some people kill, attack or hurt others such as an innocent child or pet. In this world we are only human, humans make mistakes, we we’re meant to have mistakes so that we could feel forgiveness.
 Our world has changed through history, as we have entered the 21st century crimes have went up. Our world may have changed over history, but this isn’t the change the world needs. No one can even walk by themselves anymore, without the fear of getting hurt. The world has become a harsher place than prison. So I believe we need
  love. We need more love in this world, alongside peace. The world was created for everyone to be peaceful and love each other and spend time with their families. I know that when I grow up, I want to live in a world that is peaceful enough that I can just have fun without hearing someone else was injured. People have reasons why they do things like shoot others or injure them, but we won’t know those reasons and we may never know them. That’s why we need to push past those reasons, If we ever want to achieve peace in this world. Some people may not be able to get over them, but we don’t need to take it out on innocent people who don’t know why you just did something to them. That’s why I hope our world will have changed in the years to come. I know that little kids now wouldn’t want to grow up in this harsh world, so we need to change our world because it’s the only one we’ll ever have, so we have to keep it loving and safe for generations to come.
 When the power of Love overcomes the love of Power, the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix.
The quote above explains that Love can overcome the love of power and that’s when our world will know peace.
 So I hope that one day, our world will change into the loving and peaceful world I know it is.

That is my entry, and I hope you liked I. Finally but not least number 4, I went back to school August 18th, 2016. One good thing was I got a big locker, but bad news is my locker door wont open for me, it only opens for friends or my teachers. Next is I took stem, and I am so excited to start building projects. I actually built one today for my bathroom, it holds our blow dryer and straighter and hair curler. that way they're not thrown all over the bathroom counter. Okay, so with back to school i'm going to try and I mean try, I'm not making promises, but try to write a blog every night or every week. It depends on if I got like 3 hours of sleep or how tired or late it is. The night before the first day of school I literally got 3 hours of sleep or less. Not because I stayed up, but because I couldn't go to sleep, what so ever. A good thing is I have at least one friend in each class, last year I only had 2 classes with a friend and we weren't even friends till last year, and man is my friend so funny.
 I'm going to wrap this blog up, because it is pretty long and I need to try and read or something, so yeah, goodnight everyone.... xoxo Cassidy
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and is punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." -Oscar Wilde


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