
Showing posts from September, 2016

Interview with: Severina/

Severina Hello! My name is Severina and I run a blog called Sweet Strawberries ( Who or what inspired you to blog? I first wanted to start blogging after seeing so many different blogs. I thought why not give it a go and see how it turns out. In the future what do you expect for your blog? I’m not really sure. I don’t really know what direction my blog will go in as I blog purely for fun and it’s a hobby of mine. I’m hoping that even though I’ll have a job and be busy, I’ll still be able to blog and continue to share my thoughts and opinions. How long will you be doing blogs? Again, I’m not really sure about this. I’m hoping to still be blogging in my years to come but there’ll come a time where I stop blogging (sadly!) What is your life goals?  To be a primary school teacher- This is my dream job and something I’ve wanted to be ever since I was in Year 11. I’m currently at university studying primary educati...

2016 Fall Essentials

In today's blog I will be showing some absolute favorite things when it com es to fall. Here are my fall essentials : These are some fall outfits. I usually wear flannels with jeans, or a sweater from time to time, depending on the temperature. Scarves are so comfy when it comes to fall, plus they keep your necks warm on wind and chilly days. Floppy hats are so comfy during fall time plus they're cute. Or you could go for a beanie hat, it keeps you warm, and comfy. Fall crafts are super fun and look great when company is over. Pumpkin candles and sugar cookie candles smell so good! Best fall candies, well and orange kitkats. Fall is not complete without boots. I love ankle boots. Last would be Candy Corn, because who doesn't love candy corn? That is all of my fall favorites, I hope you enjoyed this blog.

Interview With: Georgia May From Teenbookhoots

Who or what inspired you to blog? My love for reading and writing inspired me to blog! I saw that people blogged about books, and I knew straight away that it was something I would love to do- and I just had to do it. 2. Why do you love to write?  I love to write because you can make up anything you want. I can create my own worlds, and invent my own people. I can take situations that have happened to me or that I have witnessed, and put little fragments of them in my writing. 3. Will you ever have a book published?  Hopefully! I'm working on a novel right now- it might take a couple of years to finish, but I'm really invested in the idea! 4. What are your other hobbies besides reading and writing? I love baking healthy treats, cycling, jogging and doing creative things. 5. If you could choose an author to meet who would it be and why?  It would definitely be Nicola Yoon. I am in awe of her writing, I adored her book- Everything Everything. I can't wai...