Almost the weekend.
Hello, how is everyone? Have you been enjoying my interviews and book reviews? I really enjoyed interviewing an author and doing a written book review. This blog won't be very long, as nothing excited happened today. First I got up, got ready for school, oh yeah it was picture day. So last night I straightened my hair to practice, then I went got in the shower, and blow dried it, well then I straightened it and it look nice, well at least my nice, because my mom usually has to straighten my hair because where it's so curly it takes like and hour or longer to make it not fizzy and get all the curls out, but she had to work and none of my sisters were home to do it and me I've tried to do my hair straight once but it didn't work to well, so that left my dad and he doesn't do hair, besides his and yeah... So I straightened it this morning because I woke up and it was not even straight it was super frizzy and I mean fizzy! I walked outside to go to school and within bei...