
Showing posts from August, 2016

Almost the weekend.

Hello, how is everyone? Have you been enjoying my interviews and book reviews? I really enjoyed interviewing an author and doing a written book review. This blog won't be very long, as nothing excited happened today. First I got up, got ready for school, oh yeah it was picture day. So last night I straightened my hair to practice, then I went got in the shower, and blow dried it, well then I straightened it and it look nice, well at least my nice, because my mom usually has to straighten my hair because where it's so curly it takes like and hour or longer to make it not fizzy and get all the curls out, but she had to work and none of my sisters were home to do it and me I've tried to do my hair straight once but it didn't work to well, so that left my dad and he doesn't do hair, besides his and yeah... So I straightened it this morning because I woke up and it was not even straight it was super frizzy and I mean fizzy! I walked outside to go to school and within bei...

The Moonlight Dreamers by:Siobhan Curham

                                    The Moonlight Dreamers                                                                   by: Siobhan Curham                                                           ...

Interview with Author: Rosalind Jana

Hello everyone my name Is Cassidy,and in todays blog I interviewed the author of Notes On Being Teenage, Rosalind Jana! Before I show the interview, I would like to say it was a and honor to interview Rosalind,and I would like to say a big thank you for her letting me interview her even though she has a busy schedule,so thank you Rosalind Jana as she is a great author, so you should totally go read her new book. Here's the interview : Interview with Rosalind Jana Me: How old were you when you realized you wanted to write? Rosalind: I always loved books & making up stories, but I think it was probably after I had spinal surgery, age 15. So I wrote much after and realized it was a form I wanted to work hard at. I still feel I’m learning and changing all the time. Me: How did you come up with your new book that was released today? Rosalind: I’d already written about lots of these areas (all things I really care about!) & the experiences of being a teen were a...

New Puppy...

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I didn't post yesterday, it's just sometimes on the weekend my family will get together and play this game called uno. It's super fun, you should try it sometime. Anyway today I had breakfast at my grandparents house, and literally like my whole family comes because they cook a bunch of really good food. So my uncle came to get breakfast, and last night I heard he got a new puppy. So I asked him to bring it and he did here is what he looks like: So welcome Diesel, to my uncles family. He is so cute, his paws are so big, and he's not full sized yet, he will be like 6 feet tall or something like that, he is a massive, that's really all I know, and I can't wait to see what he will look full grown.   Anyway for the most part of my day I read, read, and read some more because I really wanted to finish the moonlight dreamers, so that I could do a review on it, and by the way that review might be up in the next few weeks, if the author ...

I'm back....

Today was a great day. I haven't been on it a while, I've been busy trying to keep videos weekly on youtube, but I have a little extra free time now that I'm back in school. I have free time because I can't go to my friends house or they can't come over or I can't go to see my family everyday. I'm actually glad I'm blogging there is quite a few topics I need to talk about. 1. Today is my dad's birthday, so Happy birthday Dad! I love you so much! 2. In July I won my first ever writing contest, that I have entered. I won two signed books and a signed postcard from an author. 3. One of the books I got is called the moonlight dreamers, I started reading it and I can already relate to a main character Amber. She is a blogger just like I am, and I think it's cool that a book character relates to real life and is a blogger. 4. The real world, it can be a harmful place, I wish for the world peace and love one day, because crime rates have went up over...